Slendrina:The Cellar
Developer: DVloper
This is the story of Slendrina The Cellar. Now she has become more evil than before!
- Price:$0
- Date:2014-03-21
- Rating:
This is an unbelievable horror game. If you love playing horror games, you should not miss this one. By playing this game, you have the patent of reading the story of Slendrina. You will know that she has become more evil than ever before. While you are reading the story, you will get a lot on your mind. But no matter what kind of problems you may come across, you must always stay calm. As long as you keep moving forward, you will find fantastic things. You will notice that Slendrina will get so angry when someone else is intruding her territory. You should never think Slendrina as a kind person. Actually, she will do all the harmful things to stop you. While you are playing this game, you must live in the moment to get the most out of the game. As soon as you see Slendrina, you must run away without losing any second. Otherwise, you will be dead. If you are dead, Slendrina will get cocky. So no matter what may happen, you should never look back. The appearance of Slendrina does not look better. So you must be fully prepared to make all kinds of unexpected reactions. Sometimes, the horrifying face of Slendrina may make you feel sick. But in this virtual world, too much of a good thing is actually a bad thing. So sometimes, when you notice that all kinds of unexpected things happen, you may keep alert and you may find ways to be fully prepared. But when you experience a period of time when everything is good, you must pay close attention to any potential dangers. Slendrina is very powerful. So it is a bad idea for you to fight her face to face. But the good news is that you will enjoy this adventure a lot. Slendrina craves human flesh. So it is not the time for you to show the decency of being a human being. As long as you see Slendrina, you must run as fast as you can. Otherwise, things may get awkward and challenging. Slendrina can get really offensive, but if you can successfully defeat Slendrina by coming up with some smart plans, you will feel so proud of yourself. If you are one of the passionate fans of horror games, you will experience lots of excitement. Every time after you successfully defeat Slendrina or outwit Slendrina, you will feel so restorative, which makes you feel that you are taking the elixir. This adventure is about survival. So if you can be the final winner, you will feel so awesome, especially if you can successfully find all the eight missing old books in this dark cellar and then run to the exit without being captured by Slendrina. You must always move with discretion, especially when you are trying to find all the necessary keys to open the doors. It is useless for you to predict Slendrina's behavior, because Slendrina does all kinds of ridiculous things. The whole atmosphere of this game is intense, but it is not that kind of fast-paced in terms of taking actions. So you will not feel overwhelmed all the time. But it is not an easy task to explore the cellar and get the ultimate freedom. The lighting and the audio effects are amazing. You will also enjoy the suspenseful tension created by the restricted visibility of the small flashlight. You will never know what kind of things hide at the end of the dark corridor or the back of the room. You will be enticed to move closer and closer. The eerie soundtrack will make each cell in your body become nervous. And you will be genuinely frightened by the first encounter with Slendrina. But in the meantime, you just cannot resist the temptation to lock your eyes with the shrieking blood-drenched figure because you just want to experience the extreme excitement. You will see the strange face and the scrawny body floating in the air. This terrifying creature will always attack you. So you must be fully prepared to defend yourself. Maybe you are a person who does not be scared. But Slendrina will definitely scare the hell out of you. So you will always be under great pressure while you are trying to complete your goal of collecting all the books while trying your best to avoid dangers. In order to survive, you should always try your best to avoid any eye contact with Slendrina. You will notice that Slendrina's eyes and mouth are gross. If you stare at Slendrina's eyes for a very long period of time, you will notice that she will eat your soul. It must be confessed that the unnerving suspense effect and the intrigue of the game is fantastic. You will always feel a sense of urgency. If you lower down your guard, your life will be in danger. It is impossible for you to feel repetitive while you are trying to finish your goals because you always have totally different tasks in different hallways and rooms. Besides, you will always come across more interesting levels, which will encourage you to explore further. The astounding sound effect will make you feel the suspense and the horror to the extreme. If you want to get the best horror experience, you should always put on your headphones and play this game during the middle of the night. The screen effect triggered by Slendrina's appearance will surely knock you back in the chair. So while you are playing this game, you should be mentally prepared to experience all the unexpected scares. Actually, the graphics contained in this game are of simple styles. You will not see anything too complex or too tricky to understand. You will just have this amazing experience with genuinely scary character. The whole environment is also simple. It is very inconvenient for you to roam and explore different corners of this cellar. Overall, this is a fantastic horror game. You will experience lots of thrills. And while you are playing this game, the combinations of different audio effects will scare your pants off. If you would like to, you can always replay all the levels. So what are you still waiting for? It is time for you to start this horrifying adventure. You can always get some quick scare by exploring this spooky cellar. And you will have lots of fun by successfully avoiding Slendrina. At last, it is very convenient for you to play this game. Even if you have no Internet connection, you will be able to explore the cellar and finish all your goals. So if you are one of the passionate fans of first-person horror games, there is no need for you to miss this truly frightening horror game!