Editor's Review :
This is a perfect card game. As the name of this game indicates, this whole game is based on the famous TV series The Game of Throne. So if you are one of the fans of The Game of Throne, you should definitely try this game. This card narrative adventure is full of different twists and turns. You will be forced to face wildfire, betrayals, dragons and other unexpected catastrophes. You will love the simple binary choice system. The randomized storyline is also interesting. You will begin your adventure in the shoes of storm born dragon mother Daenerys Targaryen as she claims the Iron Throne. Your responsibility is huge. You will make decisions that you disagree. But under too many circumstances, you have no better choices. As the game progresses, you will manage to unlock many other major characters from the original TV series. It is really fun to meet different objectives with these characters. You will join lots of events. We usually think that it is really hard to get the crown. But actually, in this game, the most difficult thing is to keep the crown on your head. At the beginning of each round, you are already in possession of the crown. All you need to do is to keep your head on your shoulders. You have so many enemies in this world. So you must make sure that you will make the plausible and reasonable choices. You are not allowed to make actions out of impulsion.
In the meantime, you need to make powerful alliances to strengthen your power. You will deal with the royal diplomacy, which involves receiving ambassadors, showing hospitality to these ambassadors and establishing profitable treaties. If you have a political head or if you are sensitive to politics, you will have a better performance and you will not make the wrong choices. It is not the right time for you to think about mercy or other moral codes. You can just think about maximizing your own profit. It is a very challenging task to guarantee the safety of your kingdom, because you must keep the troublesome savages at arm's length. All these tasks are difficult. And you cannot end things in the blink of an eye. The waging of war will need lots of money. So you must make sure that you will accumulate enough wealth before you resort to war. It also requires wisdom to lead your armies fighting against your enemies. If you die, there is no need for you to feel frustrated because it is quite normal. Each action is actually presented as a card. As for the specific skill, you can just complete your task by swiping left to deny or swipe right to agree with certain choices. As you can see, there is no right or wrong options in this world. If you win, your choice is right! Everything is so cruel. During most of the time, your life just depends on luck. Your new binary choice is frequently based on the ones that you have made previously, but it is better for you to think carefully before you take any action and before you make any decision.
You should always see the big picture. And you must have a vision. It is very important for you to plant the seeds for a future attack. You can never be shortsighted. As a leader, if you are short-sighted, you may be defeated by your enemies and you will devour the sour fruit of failure. To keep your crown, you also need to properly arm your military. Otherwise, it is really hard for your army to destroy the enemy soldiers. Tactics also play a vital role. So it is not about selecting the most powerful soldier. It is more about applying the right soldiers with the proper skills at the right time. Chance and luck will always determine your fate. But no matter what may happen, you must always charge forward. You will love to have this adventure, because each character is equipped with different skills. And each character has a totally different background story. For instance, John Snow and Sansa will respectively begin with a set of alliances who live in the North. Anyway, if you have a very clear understanding of the original story contained in the TV series, you will have a better performance and you will know how to balance military power, religion, popularity, and your wealth. As a leader, you must make sure that the balance among these four pillars of your kingdom will always be stable. You cannot invest too much money out of the religious motives so as to anger the soldiers. So you must keep the balance at all costs. Sometimes, your demise will be out of your expectation because of a particular decision that you made previously.
It is obvious that alliances play a very important role. If your kingdom is in danger, you will need the assistance from your alliances. But your alliances will not provide your kingdom with supplies and assistance out of no reason. So you must make sure that you will also arrive in the North in a timely way to help your allies when they need your help. Death is a constant companion, always lurking around you. But you must always be ready to embrace death. You should know that this game is less about winning and more about surviving. But it is a very good thing to die with pride. You will have a special sense of excitement if you sacrifice your life for something meaningful. While you are playing this game, you should always be patient because this game is rich in content. There are a number of potential routes through the story. So sometimes you may feel exhausted because there are so many tasks. But you will also feel excited to unlock the key characters and the interesting events. In a word, this is a very meaningful card game. You will feel omnipotent by sitting on the throne as the benevolent monarch. It is really exciting to order your royal fighters by swiping to the left or the right. You will make your people proud. And if you try your best, you will survive the brutal battles and you can maintain the peace within the boundary of your kingdom. To achieve the great victory, you should always choose wisdom instead of pure forces. So this game will require you to spend lots of time in thinking and planning. But everything is worthwhile because you will enjoy your power, which means your decision will determine the fates of millions of people. And the influence of your options will last for centuries. In the end, you will create your own ruling record as a monarch!