
Home > Music  >  FNF Music Night Battle
Price: $0
Date: 2019-11-15

Editor's Review :

FNF Music Night Battle is a fantastic funky music game. If you choose to take this music adventure, you will have a good opportunity to use many amazing skills to beat your opponents in the funky music battle. The most amazing thing about this game is the online mode. It is really fun to compete against other online players from different parts of the world. Of course, you can always invite your best friends to join the music battles and have some fun time together. If you are lucky, you will make all kinds of new friends during this music adventure. If your performance is good enough, you will earn yourself a very good fame in this music world. As for the specific skills, it is quite simple for you to play. The whole gameplay is very easy to understand. You just need to tap by following the four direction arrows. But it is not about mechanically tapping all those music beats. The most important thing is to follow the rhythm and let your soul dance with the music notes. No matter what may happen, you just cannot give up. You must fight until the last second. It is the perfect opportunity for you to earn your fame and reputation and the respect from other music lovers in this music world. More importantly, it is the platform for you to win the heart of your Girlfriend. So you just cannot lose. Losing the battles will be a nightmare. But it is not that kind of difficult for you to win all the music battles. You only need to follow the music beats and let your music nature comes above. There is no need for you to feel intense. You may notice that you have so many whispering voices in your head in your daily life. But while you are playing this music game, you will totally immerse yourself into this rhythmic world. And all of those unnecessary thoughts and bothering ideas will disappear. You will feel so relieved after all your inner burdens vanish in this state of thoughtless awareness. You will make yourself shine in this music world. Besides, you will no longer feel separateness. In this music world, you are connected to each music note. It seems that things just get repetitive. And keeping tapping on the directional arrows sounds stupid. But the fact is that you will become more and more conscious of these music notets. And you will naturally follow these music notes to come into a totally different world. Actually, the whole process makes you feel that you are evolving. You will literally lose yourself in this music world, which feels incredible. Based on your former experience of playing FNF music games, you will have an amazing performance. But if you find that it is really hard for you to react really fast to cover all the music notes, you can just start with easy songs. It is natural for you to get overwhelmed from time to time. Sometimes, you will just insanely try to tap all the music beats, which is really addicting. In this world, you can just begin to daydream and feel the beat of your racing heart. Instead of looking at your fingers or mechanically tapping all the colorful arrows, you should just try to feel the flow of music. You will find beauty and warmth in this artistic process. If you are a true music lover, this game will be a great blessing for you. While you are tapping, the music angel will arise automatically. There is no need for you to push yourself or try to attribute meaning to this tapping activity. You can just naturally follow all these music beats and the body movements of different characters. Gradually, you will find the right pace and the right rhythm to successfully cover all the falling music notes. Despite the absurdity, you will deeply fall in love with this game. During this cycle of tapping all the music beats, you will try to explore the value of life among these music notes. It seems that tapping those music notes repeatedly is just meaningless. But if you are a true music lover, you will find that this music notes tapping process is the deepest and the most direct expression of your love towards the music and of your own genuine freedom. This is also the same about our life. It seems that we are just repeating our routine day after day. But below the surface, we will know that everything changes without our consciousness. If we put passion and love into the daily routines, we will make a huge difference. So you should never underestimate the process of tapping those music notes. If you can really pay attention to your feelings and this music world, you will feel really connected with your inner world and you will get the real trick of successfully tapping all those music notes without losing any one of them. Eventually, you will get into the cycle of the passion and excitement. You feel that you are dancing with your soul, with your finger and with each cell in your body. With practice, you will successfully cover all the music notes in an effortless way. Naturally, you will stop holding your feelings back. If you are a type A person or if you have type A personality, you will become ambitious in terms of tapping all the music notes. And you will stop being anxious. You just involuntarily seek to be perfect in order to win Girlfriend's heart back. You will be tough and persistent. All these beautiful music notes will absolutely shatter your inner world into pieces and make you feel the real beautiful you. If you undergo some severe depression or other psychological problems, you should definitely try this game because in this music world, you will become more active and more positive. All these music beats and the natural flowing of music will help heal your body, your mind and your soul. You will also become better and better in controlling all the music beats. There is no need for you to disguise your true self. During this process, you will have new impulses to show your real self. And all these music beats will stimulate you to express all the surpressed feelings and emotions. You will even have this inexpressible urge to dance and to let go. Anyway, this is a perfect music game. And it is quite healthy for players of different ages. Playing this fun music game should become part of your life. And playing this game on a daily basis should be your routine, which can help reinforce your confidence and your connection with your true self!

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